Motherboard for Motorola Symbol VC5090

Motherboard for Motorola Symbol VC5090

Motherboard for Motorola Symbol VC5090

Product Configuration Matrix: VC5090
Radio Option    VC50?X-XXXXXXXXXXX        
9    WLAN – A,B,G

Second Radio Option    VC509?-XXXXXXXXXXX        
0    no WWAN

Form Factor    Vc50xx-?XXXXXXXXXX        
M    Fork Lift / Vehicle / Fixed Mounted Industrial Computer

Scanner    Vc50XX-X?XXXXXXXXX        
A    N/A

WAN Carrier    Vc50xx-XX?XXXXXXXX        
0    N/A

Display Type    Vc50XX-XXX?XXXXXXX        
Q   Full Screen Color, 800x600, touch, heated
T    Half Screen color, 800x320, touch, heated

Memory    Vc50XX-XXXX?XXXXXX        
L     64MB RAM, 192 MB Flash
M    128 MB RAM, 192 MB Flash

Keyboard    Vc50XX-XXXXX?XXXXX        
0     None
Q     Integrated QWERTY Keypad, IP66, heated, backlit
OS   Vc50XX-XXXXXX?XXXX        
G     Win CE 5.0 Professional

Additional features    Vc50XX-XXXXXXXX?XXX        
H6    Voice(VoIP, voice picking), Audio and Bluetooth Support

Country Designation    Vc50XX-XXXXXXXXX?X        
W    Worldwide 24-48Vdc standard - Not for use in 12V applications.
6    Worldwide 12V Half Screen standard
7    Worldwide 12V Full Screen standard

RoHs Compliance    Vc50XX-XXXXXXXXXX?        
W    Worldwide Standard
R    RoHS Compliance (as of July 1, 2006)


Display Options
LCDLCD Module (AUO) / LCD (2nd Version) Module
Functions Options
Additional FeaturesFull screen: Heated color 12.1 in. SVGA

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  • Codice Prodotto: Symbol-Motherboard-26
  • Disponibilità: Disponibile
  • US $29,90

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